Table of Contents hotline99-web2.jpg (4214 bytes)

How many job hotlines are there in the states that interest you?
That’s easy. Simply multiply the number of pages in the chapter for a state that interests you by 30. That will give you a good estimate. For example, the California chapter runs 37 pages which means there are about 1,100 job hotlines listed for the state. Alabama, with just 4 pages, has about 120 job hotlines listed.

This is the actual Table of Contents for the book,
the National Job Hotline Directory: The Job Finder’s Hot List 1999–2001.

1    Conducting a Savvy, Balanced Job Search    1

Joyce Lain Kennedy writes in her nationally–syndicated column:

“In a rut in the job hunt? Pick up the phone.”

“Call telephone job hotlines, which are especially useful for entry–level, administrative and blue–collar jobs.

“The new National Job Hotline Directory: The Job Finder’s Hot List  says there are 6,500 job hotlines in the country and lists them by state with broad industries such as computers, education, government, financial, hospitality, medical and health care, and retail. …

“And like  newspaper ads, telephone hotlines identify jobs that are open right now. Get the just–published, 376–page National Job Hotline Directory from the publisher, Planning/Communications at 888/366–5200, weekdays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time.”

Why Job Hotlines?    2

Elements of a Savvy, Balanced Job Search  4

Preparing to Use This Directory    16

Keeping Current    21

Using This Directory Effectively    23

Pre–Call Check List    24

2    Alabama    26

3    Alaska    30

4    Arizona    34

5    Arkansas    42

6    California    45

7    Colorado    82

8    Connecticut    98

9    Delaware    101

10    District of Columbia    104

11    Florida    111

12    Georgia    128

Additional Resources for
Finding Jobs in Specific Cities & States    135

13    Hawaii    136

14    Idaho    139

15    Illinois    142

16    Indiana    147

17    Iowa    152

18    Kansas    155

Deciding Where to Live and Work, Offline    158

19    Kentucky    159

20    Louisiana    163

21    Maine    167

22    Maryland    169

23    Massachusetts    175

24    Michigan    179

25    Minnesota    184

26    Mississippi    188

27    Missouri    191

28    Montana    198

Deciding Where to Live and Work, Online    200

29    Nebraska    201

30    Nevada    205

31    New Hampshire    210

32    New Jersey    212

33    New Mexico    216

34    New York    219

35    North Carolina    223

36    North Dakota    228

37    Ohio    231

38    Oklahoma    236

39    Oregon    240

40    Pennsylvania    246

41    Rhode Island    250

42    South Carolina    252

43    South Dakota    255

44    Tennessee    257

45    Texas    262

46    Utah    292

47    Vermont    296

48    Virginia    298

49    Washington    306

Additional Resources for Finding Jobs in Seattle    316

50    West Virginia    319

51    Wisconsin    321

52    Wyoming    325

53    Nationwide Job Hotlines    327

54    Canada    329

55    Toll–Free Job Hotline Numbers    340

Reader Feedback    353

About the Authors    355

Discount Coupons    356

How to Use These Discount Coupons    356

Resource Collection    360

Over 12,000 Resources for Every Type of Job Search    361

Directories of Employers by City    362

Working With Executive Recruiters    364

Using the Internet    365

Networking    366

Salary Negotiation    366

Self–Assessment & Career Design    367

Specific Careers    368

Resumes and Cover Letters    372

Interviewing    374

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